How to Calculate Medical Expenses After a Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian and vehicle accidents can be particularly devastating, causing catastrophic injuries for the pedestrian while the driver walks away with no major issues. If you have been in a pedestrian accident in Virginia, it is important to understand how to calculate your medical expenses accurately. This ensures that you can receive the best possible medical treatment. 

Pedestrian-related accidents are on the rise in Virginia, with over a thousand reported in 2024 alone. Usually, victims make the mistake of accepting the initially offered settlement in a hurry to seek treatment. You might not consider some major hidden costs that an attorney can tell you about. These include room visits, hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, long-term costs, etc. 

On top of considering every expense, you also need to document enough evidence to prove them. The court only looks at the evidence and not your word. Therefore, hiring an attorney from The Jackson Law Group, PLLC, with experience in pedestrian-related accidents is crucial. Meanwhile, read this blog to learn how to calculate medical expenses. 

Steps in calculating medical expenses after a pedestrian accident 

Medical expenses include all costs related to the treatment of your injuries. If you were in a pedestrian accident, here are the steps to consider when calculating your medical expenses for your demand letter to the liable party’s insurance policy. These steps will ensure that all costs are considered, as well as that you do not accept less than you deserve. 

1. Understand the various types of medical expenses. 

The first step in calculating medical expenses is to understand all the categories they come in. The two main types are past medical expenses and future medical expenses. The past ones include the hospital stays, emergency room visits, and doctor consultations. The future ones are for ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, or possible surgeries. 

2. Collect the right documents. 

Having the right documents related to each of your medical expenses is important in building a strong case. Documents may include receipts, invoices, and statements from hospitals and healthcare providers. Additionally, accident and medical reports can help establish the extent of your injuries. 

3. Estimate future medical expenses properly. 

Estimating future medical expenses accurately can be tricky because you are talking about something that may or may not occur. This is why this step involves consulting with medical professionals. They can analyze your current ongoing treatments, injuries, and health conditions to provide insights about long-term plans. 

4. Consult with medical experts with experience in legal work. 

While your doctor will be able to tell you how long your treatment will go on and what future procedures you might need, that may not be enough. Consulting with a medical professional who is also an expert in accidental injuries and has experience dealing with victims fighting for insurance is invaluable. They might be able to provide a better estimate than your family doctor. 

5. Use a future medical cost calculator. 

Once you have derived valuable insights from your medical expert, your attorney may recommend using a future medical cost calculator. While it may not do the work for you, it can be a great help. Using the data given by the healthcare experts, you can figure out a number for future expenses. Even if it is not accurate, it can be a ballpark for negotiations. 

6. Include non-medical expenses. 

While this does not directly fall under medical expenses, it is related to them. Therefore, these are called non-medical expenses. Non-medical expenses include traveling to doctor’s appointments, home modifications, and future losses from a diminished earning potential. The insurance company might be hesitant to award these damages, but an attorney can help. 

Injured in a pedestrian accident?

The aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be both physically and emotionally challenging. The task of handling a legal claim and calculating medical expenses can add to the stress of an already difficult time. Hire an attorney in Virginia today!

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